I'm a Principal Research Scientist at Google DeepMind studying artificial intelligence. I'm currently also Director of Research Strategy for Gemini, working with the leads Oriol Vinyals and Jeff Dean.

Prior to working on Gemini, I led the DL:X team at DeepMind (mostly generative models, self-supervised learning, multi-modal large language models). I also led the Quantum Chemistry and Materials team in Science (mostly DFT and a few downstream applications).

See our ICML tutorial for a technical overview of some of that pre-Gemini work. See articles and videos on Quanta, Ars Technica, Stephen Colbert, TEDx and TANK for a non-technical overview of that work. See here and here for a flavour of the team's on-going quantum physics and chemistry research.

Prior to DeepMind, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge working with John Winn. I did my PhD at the University of Edinburgh, where I was a Carnegie scholar working with Christopher Williams. During my PhD I was also a visiting researcher at Oxford University working with Andrew Zisserman.


All Publications


Selected talks

Other things


I co-organised the NeurIPS 2020 workshop on Muslims in Machine Learning, that was held virtually on December 8, 2020.

I co-organised the NIPS 2017 workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, that was held in Long Beach, California on December 8, 2017.

I co-organised the NIPS 2015 workshop on Black Box Learning and Inference, that was held in Montréal, Canada on December 12, 2015.

I regularly AC and review for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR.

Curriculum Vitae

Last updated 22 Dec 2015: Short CV, Long CV.