I'm a Principal Research Scientist at Google DeepMind studying artificial intelligence. I'm currently also Director of Research Strategy for Gemini, working with the leads Oriol Vinyals and Jeff Dean.

Prior to Gemini, I led the DL:X team at DeepMind (working mostly on generative models, self-supervised learning, multi-modal large language models). I also led the Quantum Chemistry and Materials team in Science (working mostly on DFT and a few downstream applications).

See our ICML tutorial for a technical overview of some of that pre-Gemini work. See articles and videos on Quanta, Ars Technica, Stephen Colbert, TEDx and TANK for a non-technical overview of that work. See here and here for a flavour of the team's on-going quantum physics and chemistry research.

Prior to DeepMind, I was a post-doctoral researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge working with John Winn. I did my PhD at the University of Edinburgh, where I was a Carnegie scholar working with Christopher Williams. During my PhD I was also a visiting researcher at Oxford University working with Andrew Zisserman.

Contact careers@deepmind.com to apply to DeepMind, and press@deepmind.com if you have press or speaker requests, CC'ing aeslami@google.com in both cases.


All Publications


Selected talks

Other things


I co-organised the NeurIPS 2020 workshop on Muslims in Machine Learning, that was held virtually on December 8, 2020.

I co-organised the NIPS 2017 workshop on Machine Learning for Creativity and Design, that was held in Long Beach, California on December 8, 2017.

I co-organised the NIPS 2015 workshop on Black Box Learning and Inference, that was held in Montréal, Canada on December 12, 2015.

I regularly AC and review for NeurIPS, ICML, ICLR.

Curriculum Vitae

Last updated 22 Dec 2015: Short CV, Long CV.